Report suspected modern slavery
How to report
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) leads Australia’s policing response to prevent, disrupt, and investigate suspected cases of human trafficking and other modern slavery crimes in Australia.
You can call the AFP to report a suspected case of modern slavery on 131 237 (131AFP) or report online. The information provided will remain confidential. You should seek consent before reporting on behalf of another person who is at risk or experiencing modern slavery.
The AFP seeks to protect and support people experiencing or at risk of modern slavery. They can provide advice and referrals to other services that provide accommodation, financial support, counselling, and legal and immigration advice.
What happens next
Specialist investigators will meet with the person who is at risk or experiencing modern slavery, when a report is made, to explain the process and what may happen next. The AFP investigator will also assess the situation to determine eligibility for referral to the Australian Red Cross’ Support for Trafficked People Program (STPP), as appropriate. The STPP provides support with accommodation, financial support, counselling, and legal and immigration advice. The AFP investigator will prioritise safety and wellbeing during this process and will respect the person’s privacy, preferences, and decisions regarding the investigation.
Need urgent help?
If you or someone you know is not safe, or it is an emergency, phone Triple Zero (000) and ask to speak to the police. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.
Find more information on available help and support.